Application and License Information

Town of Richlands processes and issues various permits and licenses. Permits and License applications may be obtained from the Town Hall or printed from The Town web page. If you have questions about your Town bill, taxes, or an application please direct them to Richlands Town Hall or see this information on payment OPTIONS. You can take advantage of the drop box for any payments, documents, etc. as well as our Automatic payment option (ACH). Here is the ACH Form which you must include a voided check to set up payments. Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the Town Hall office at (276) 964-2566.

See also The Building and Construction Page.

Residential Utility Service

A Utility Service Application is required in order to establish electric, water/sewer and garbage services with the Town of Richlands. A Valid photo identification is required. Property owners need proof of ownership. Rentals need to complete Landlord Verification Form. Fees may apply. Residential Service Application may be accessed HERE

Commercial Utility Service

A Utility Service Application is required in order to establish electric, water/sewer and garbage services with the Town of Richlands. A Zoning Permit is required. Fees Required. A Valid photo identification is required.Rentals need to complete Landlord Verification Form. Commercial Service Application may be accessed HERE

Dusk to Dawn Rental Light

A Twelve Month rental agreement is required for installation of dusk to dawn lights. Fees are based on type light requested. A site inspection by the town is mandatory prior to installation. Rental agreement may be accessed HERE

Business License

New Business owners are required to complete a Commercial Service Application with a Business License Application(filed annually) and Zoning Permit Application.
Some business owners are also required to file a Meals Tax Form in addition to the business license application and if you have a mobile food establishment in The Town then you will need a Mobile Food Establishment Application.

Zoning Permit Information

Construction requires a Zoning Permit from the Town of Richlands. Building permits must be obtained from Tazewell County Department of Building Safety Page. You must obtain the zoning permit from the Town of Richlands prior to requesting a county building permit.
For questions regarding type or required permit/license contact the Town of Richlands Town Hall at 276-964-2566 or See Building and Construction Page.

All zoning permit applications should be returned to Richlands Town Hall or by email to

Questions about Do You Need a Permit?

Guide for Propane Tank Install Above Ground

Requirements for Sheds Carports and Garages

Permits and Licenses for Town of Richlands, Virginia

Tazewell County Department of Building Safety

Town of Richlands Home Handbook

General Zoning Permits

A General Zoning Permit is required for any structure Erection, Placement, New Construction, Re-Construction, Alteration or Addition.
If you are unsure of what your property is currently zoned as The Town of Richlands zoning map can be found here at Tazewell County GIS Map with The Town of Richlands Zoning Map Layer Information.
For a copy of listed uses and zoning code information for each zoning district, use our Land Use Ordinance Link.

Business Operation Zoning Permits

A Zoning Permit for Business Operation is required for approval to operate a business in the Town of Richlands.

Placement of Manufactured Housing

A Zoning Permit is required for the placement of Manufactured Housing.

Event Permit Request

An Event Permit Application is required prior to any event taking place.