
1) If you are about to have work done to your home or business and would like to check on the status of a business license for the contractor just call Richlands Town Hall at 276-964-2566 with the contractors name and we will give you the status of the license.

2) The Richlands Town Council adopts a new policy on outside agency funding Requests. Any agency requesting funding from the Town of Richlands must submit the completed Application and the signed copy of the Policy in order to be considered for any funding during the next fiscal year. The application period is from January 1, 2025 to January 31, 2025 to be considered for the 2025-2026 Fiscal Year Budget. Please call Town Hall with any questions.

3) The Town of Richlands Farmers Market will be opening on April 13th. The normal hours of our Richlands Farmers Market will be on Saturday from 2pm to 6pm and on Wednesday from 4pm to 7pm. Anyone that is interested in selling will need to fill out the Farmers Market Application Packet.

4) Richlands is a recipient of the 2024 VDFP CRR Smoke Alarm Distribution Program and will be installing free smoke alarms in the community for households in need to help save lives and protect the community from the dangers of fire.

5) The Town of Richlands new software Link to UpAhead for Town Texting Alerts.

Public Notice

Instructions on conference call participation

The Town of Richlands Calendar Link has useful Town Information.

Meeting Schedule with future dates on Town Council meeetings for 2024.

The September 2024 Meetings Schedule with location, date, and time.

The October 2024 Meetings Schedule with location, date, and time.

1) The Town of Richlands has hired to perform a water and sewer rate analysis Report.

2) Fact Sheet from The Town of Richlands VDOT historical receipts and expenses for 2021 to 2024 (YTD).

3) The Town of Richlands Water and Wastwater Treatment Plant upgrade Presentation and rate analysis Sheet for 2024.

4) Public Notice for Code Enforcement as it pertains to mowing in Town.

5) Public Notice that there will be two new 3 Way Stop intersections coming to Henderson Street starting on October 7, 2024. The first 3 Way Stop will be at the intersection of Henderson Street and Charles Street. The next will be at the intersection of Henderson Street and Biltmore Street. This is in effort to slow down the flow of traffic in this community.
There will also be No Parking Signs that will be along the road on Henderson Street to help in the travel of cars in this smaller section of road.

6) Here is a citizen Survey for hazard mitigation plan.